Dental Acupuncture
What is acupuncture
What Is Dental Acupuncture?
Dental acupuncture has been in used in dentistry around Europe for more than 25 years. It is used as an additional technique in the treatment of dental anxiety, gagging, facial pain and temporomandibular pain.
The traditional theory involves life energy ‘Chi’ which flows around the body in channels ‘Meridians’. If one of these meridians becomes blocked and obstructs the flow of chi, the patient suffers pain or illness. The acupuncture unblocks this obstruction, restoring normal flow of chi, and the patient’s health therefore improves.
The modern (western) understanding of acupuncture is less well understood. But there is no doubt that acupuncture does work, clinical evidence and controlled trials are present to demonstrate this. Some forms of acupuncture are believed to work by stimulating small myelinated fibres in muscle, which in turn promotes the release of endorphins, which act as our body’s natural pain relief.