Michigan Splint
This is a hard acrylic device which sits over the upper teeth.
1. A small acrylic lucia jig is constructed directly in the patient’s mouth to deprogram the muscles which move the jaw, this allows the jaw to relax into a more ‘retruded’ relationship. This is the relationship in which a Michigan splint should ideally be constructed.
2. Accurate impressions and the relationship of the upper and lower jaws are recorded when in the relaxed retruded position. The location of the upper teeth in relation to the jaw joints is also recorded.
These records are then sent to the technician who makes models from the impressions and carefully sets up the teeth on an articulator, whichmimics the movements of the jaw.
Wax is laid down over the upper teeth and sculpted to set up the principles of an ‘ideal occlusion’.
Once this has been done, the wax is replaced for acrylic and the splint is polished and finished.